Harpenden green spaces byelaws review

Resident Feedback - Officer Responses

Following a public consultation regarding the Review of Harpenden Town Council’s Green Spaces Byelaws, which took place in 2022, the Town Council has produced a ‘Resident Feedback - Officer Responses’ document. This document contains opinions expressed by residents within the consultation survey, together with our responses to these. You will notice that following consideration of public feedback, some proposed byelaws have now been deleted.

You can read about the byelaws and the public consultation here.

You can read and download the ‘Resident Feedback - Officer Responses’ document here.

The next stage of this process, once all newly acquired green spaces are recorded under Town Council ownership by Land Registry, will be our application for approval of the revised byelaws by the Secretary of State. If approval is granted, we will consult residents again and consider any further comments before the byelaws are confirmed.

Please revisit our website and follow us on social media for further updates.


Byelaws Review Officer Responses Primary Featured Image


11/07/2024 12:49
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