PArva Close Recreation ground

This important green space is used by the community as a recreational area and is managed primarily as amenity land. It boasts wildlife features and a play area. The play area is suitable for children of all ages; this includes a play park for younger children as well as facilities for older ones. Its open field is also perfect for picnics.

We are consulting residents on a draft Management Plan which can be read by clicking on the link below. This plan provides management objectives to encourage the sustainable use of the play area and improve the local environment for both people and wildlife.

You can read the Parva Close Recreation Ground Management Plan here.

Harpenden Town Council is keen to receive comments from residents regarding the Management Plan. Please contact : Alex Melson

Tel: 01582 463542 / Email:


Read more about Harpenden Town Council's aquisition of four new open spaces here:


Parva Close Recreation Ground Primary Featured Image


11/07/2024 12:49
Dementia Friendly Talk - new date

A new date for our free Dementia Friends talk by our Alzheimer’s Society Ambassador has just been announced: 14th October 2024. This event is suitable for anyone who would like to strengthen their knowledge of this condition and is an ideal opportunity to ask questions.

24/01/2024 09:02
Rare Chalk Stream in local Nature Reservve

Batford Springs Local Nature Reserve in Harpenden has long been a locally treasured green space but, with the development of an ambitious Management Plan, Harpenden Town Council is focused on maintaining and enhancing this outstanding area as a hugely important national asset.