With concerns about the cost of living the Town Council is working in partnership, under the Harpenden Cares umbrella, to support residents in a number of ways.

The Harpenden Cares partners offer considerable help in our community and collectively works towards a rounded, coordinated approach to local issues. From distribution of funds, to managing a hub of information and more besides, the partnership works together so ensure those in need are supported and have access to essential services.


Welcoming spaces in Harpenden

During the cold weather period, “Warm Spaces” open in Harpenden in response to the rising cost of living. Venues that offer a welcoming place for all are listed below.  Thank you to the volunteers who enabled these venues to open and offer a warm space to those who needed it.


Cornelia’s remains open to Warm Space visitors in the St Nicholas Church Hall.

  • Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays 10am – noon.

For further details please call: 01582 765 524. Website: Cornelias Café - Parish of Harpenden


Harpenden Trust coffee mornings continue at:

  • The Trust building at 90 Southdown Road on Tuesdays from 10.00 to 11.00.
  • Salvation Army building on Thursdays from 10.00 to 11.00.
  • The Well Bean Community Cafe is open Monday to Friday from 10.30 to 12.30 for coffee tea and cakes at 130a Southdown Road above the Coop (closed 22 Dec-2 Jan for Christmas).

For further details please call: 01582 460 457. Website: The Harpenden Trust – We are here to help the AL5 community | The Harpenden Trust

Batford Methodist Church offers a local Warm Space with hot drinks including cuppa soups etc
  • Open on Fridays 10am - 1pm
100 Lower Luton Rd, Harpenden AL5 5AH.
High Street Methodist continue to offer a welcoming space. They have no fixed prices for anything on the menu. Instead, there is the opportunity to give a donation as you leave.
  • 10 – 12 Monday – Saturday café open. 
  • NOW also open Thursday afternoons from 12-2pm serving the usual menu plus home-made hot soup.

Further information can be found on their website: High Street Methodist Church Call 01582 713056 or email: office@highstreet.church

Crabtree Church
  • Toddler group every Thursday during term time, 9.30-11am
  • Coffee and conversation on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month 10-11.30am, a welcoming environment open to anyone who would like a chat, listening ear, cuppa and a piece of cake.

Everyone is welcome!

Further information can be found on their website: Crabtree Church Harpenden – Serving God and People

139 Crabtree Lane, HarpendenHerts AL5 5RD. Email: contact@crabtreechurch.org.uk .

This information is being updated regularly, if you organise or know about a warm space open to the public on a regular basis that isn't listed please let us know.


Food Banks

Click here to find up to date information about local food banks.


Citizens Advice

Advice is available over the phone on 01727 811 118 or 0800 144 8848 on Mondays to Thursdays, 10am-4pm and on Friday 10am-1pm, and also online: www.citizensadvice.org.uk If you can't call or visit their website, you can also visit in person on Mondays 10am-1pm at The Salvation Army, Leyton Green.


Support is available for people living with Dementia

Click here to read the Alzheimer's Society article if you are worried about how rising living costs will impact your finances if you live with dementia, or care for someone with the condition. Harpenden Town Council has committed to making Harpenden a Dementia Friendly Town, read about what this means on our Dementia Friendly page.


Harpenden’s Street Coordinators

One Harpenden Cares initiative, which began during the pandemic, is our network of Street Coordinators. Street Coordinators are volunteers who take on the responsibility of liaising with the Town Council and their neighbours: communicating important messages and assisting in looking out for vulnerable people. We’re pleased to report that we have a large number of volunteers across Harpenden who continue to help and we’re actively recruiting new people every week. This is an invaluable scheme as Street Coordinators are often the first point of contact in identifying where assistance is needed.

Our recent recruitment campaign has been successful and we now have Street Coordinators across Harpenden, however we would love to hear from you if your street doesn’t have a Coordinator and you are able to help. Get in touch if you can help!



Responding to winter weather

On a practical level, our Town Rangers work tirelessly over the winter period responding to the challenges that cold weather presents, from clearing public footpaths to dealing with emergency repairs. In addition, we are thankful for our army of ‘Snow Angel’ volunteers whose main responsibility of clearing snow and ice from the pavements allows more vulnerable residents to get out and about more safely.

You can read about our Snow Angels scheme on our Volunteering page. If you’re able to assist us in clearing snow in the future, in your local area, please contact us, this is a scheme that really makes a difference, particularly to more vulnerable members of our community.


Keep in touch

We are regularly updating our website with information and posting bulletins on our social media channels but if you know someone who is not online and they wish to get in touch you can find our contact details here.

Winter Support Plan Primary Featured Image